User_Authentication_Personalization Model
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花了一天时间实现了一个 简单的用户登录验证的小模型。

基本实现了现在 用户登录模块的绝大多数功能, 也算是 熟悉了一下系统的逻辑。

在这个小模型中, 实现了以下的基本功能 :

  •  Logging in and authenticating users .
  •  Managing passwords
  •  Recording user preferences
  •  Personalizing content
  •  Recommending content based on existing knowledge about a user

 简单来说,分为3个小模块组成 :

1. Register . 用户通过浏览 注册 成为 网站的 member 

2. Login . 已经注册的用户通过 已注册的用户名和密码 登录网站, 显示用户的 个性化页面(Personalize Page)

3. Forget Password. 用户忘记密码,利用 phpMailer 通过 Gmail 往用户注册的邮箱发送一个随机生成的新密码。 用户可使用重新新密码登录。

这个 小Model 逻辑比较简单, 整个模型的 框架 如图 :


其中是利用了 phpMailer 通过 Gmail STMP 往注册用户发送邮件(因为localhost本身是没有注册STMP,

发出的邮件基本会被当做 垃圾邮件 处理)。这个模块的 代码没有放在 这里, 具体可以参考 下一篇。

/***      add_bm_form.php      ***/

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/***      add_bms.php      ***/ 

getMessage(); } display_user_menu(); do_html_footer();?>
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/***      bookmark_fns.php      ***/ 

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/***      bookmark.sql      ***/ 

# SQL stateemnts to create the PHPbookmark databaseCREATE database bookmarks;use bookmarks;CREATE TABLE user (  username VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ,  passwd CHAR(40) NOT NULL,  email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL);CREATE TABLE bookmark (  username VARCHAR (16) NOT NULL ,  bm_URL VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL ,  index (username),  index (bm_URL),  PRIMARY KEY (username, bm_URL));GRANT SELECT , INSERT , UPDATE , DELETEON bookmarks .*TO bm_user@localhost identified by 'password';#  set up this database on your system by running this set of commmands as the root MySQL suer.#  You can do this with the following commond on your system's command line :#  mysql -u root -p < bookmarks.sql
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/***      change_passwd.php      ***/ 

getMessage(); } display_user_menu(); do_html_footer();
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/***      change_passwd_form.php      ***/

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/***      data_valid_fns.php      ***/

$value) { if( (!isset($key)) || ($value=='') ) { return false; } } return true; }function valid_email($address){ // check an email address is possibly valid if (ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+$', $address)) return true; else return false;}
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/***      db_fns.php      ***/

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/***      delete_bms.php      ***/

You have not chosen any bookmarks to delete.
Please try again later .

'; display_user_menu(); do_html_footer(); exit; } else { if(count($del_me)>0 ) { foreach($del_me as $url) { if( delete_bm($valid_user, $url)) { echo 'Delete '.htmlspecialchars($url).'.
'; } else { echo 'Could not delete '.htmlspecialchars($url). '.
'; } } } else { echo 'No bookmarks selected for deletion'; } } // get the bookmarks this user has saved if( $url_array = get_user_urls($valid_user) ) { display_user_urls($url_array); } display_user_menu(); do_html_footer();
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/***      forgot_form.php      ***/

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/***      forgot_passwd.php      ***/

'; } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Your password could not be reset - please try again later'; } do_html_URL('login.php', 'Login'); do_html_footer();?>
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/***      login.php      ***/

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/***      logout.php      ***/

'; do_html_URL('login.php','Login'); } else { //they were logged in and could not be logged out echo 'Could not log you out.
'; }} else { //if they were't logged in but came to this page somehow echo 'You were not logged in, and so have not been logged out.
'; do_html_URL('login.php','Login');}do_html_footer();?>
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/***      member.php      ***/

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/***      notify_passwd.php      ***/

query($select_query); if(!$result) { throw new Exception('Could not find email address'); } else if ($result->num_rows == 0) { throw new Exception('Could not find email address'); } else { $row = $result->fetch_object(); $sendto_email = $row->email; $subject = "Please note that your password has changed"; $body = "Your PHPBookMark password has been changed to " .$password. "\r\n" ."Please change it next time you log in. \r\n"; $send_success = stmp_mail($sendto_email,$subject,$body,$username); if($send_success) { return true; } else { throw new Exception('Could not send email'); } } }
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/***      output_fns.php      ***/

<?php echo $title;?> PHPbookmark logo


  • Store your bookmarks online with us!
  • See what other users use!
  • Share your favorite links with others!
Not a member?
Members log in here:
Forgot your password?
Email address:
Preferred username
(max 16 chars):
(between 6 and 16 chars):
Confirm password:
"; echo "
"; if (is_array($url_array) && count($url_array)>0) { foreach ($url_array as $url) { if ($color == "#cccccc") $color = "#ffffff"; else $color = "#cccccc"; // remember to call htmlspecialchars() when we are displaying user data echo "
"; echo "
"; echo "
"; } } else echo "
"; ?>
Bookmark Delete?
No bookmarks on record

Home  |  Add BM  | 
Delete BM | "; else echo "Delete BM | "; ?> Change password
Recommend URLs to me  |  Logout

New BM:
Old password:
New password:
Repeat new password:
Enter your username
"; if (is_array($url_array) && count($url_array)>0) { foreach ($url_array as $url) { if ($color == "#cccccc") $color = "#ffffff"; else $color = "#cccccc"; echo "
"; } } else echo "
"; ?>
No recommendations for you today.
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/***      recommend.php      ***/

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/***      register_form.php      ***/

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/***      register_new.php      ***/

16)) { throw new Exception('Your password must be between 6 and 16 characters - Please go back and try again'); } // attempt to register // this function can also throw an exception register($username, $email, $passwd) ; // register session variable $_SESSION['valid_user'] = $username; //provide link to members page do_html_header("Registration successful"); echo 'Your registration was successful. Go to the memers page to start setting up your bookmarks!'; do_html_URL('member.php', 'Go to members page'); //end page } catch (Exception $e) { do_html_header('Problem:'); echo $e->getMessage(); do_html_footer(); exit; }
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/***      url_fns.php      ***/

'; $valid_user = $_SESSION['valid_user']; $conn = db_connect(); // check not a repeat bookmark $result = $conn->query("select * from bookmark where username='$valid_user' and bm_URL='$new_url'"); if ($result && ($result->num_rows>0)) throw new Exception('Bookmark already exists.'); // insert the new bookmark if (!$conn->query( "insert into bookmark values ('$valid_user', '$new_url')")) throw new Exception('Bookmark could not be inserted.'); return true;}function get_user_urls($username){ //extract from the database all the URLs this user has stored $conn = db_connect(); $result = $conn->query( "select bm_URL from bookmark where username = '$username'"); if (!$result) return false; //create an array of the URLs $url_array = array(); for ($count = 1; $row = $result->fetch_row(); ++$count) { $url_array[$count] = $row[0]; } return $url_array;}function delete_bm($user, $url){ // delete one URL from the database $conn = db_connect(); // delete the bookmark if (!$conn->query( "delete from bookmark where username='$user' and bm_url='$url'")) throw new Exception('Bookmark could not be deleted'); return true;}
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/***      user_auth_fns.php      ***/

num_rows>0 ) { throw new Exception('That username is taken - Go back and choose another one'); } // if ok, put in db $insert_query = "INSERT INTO user VALUE ('$username', sha1('$password'), '$email')"; $result = $conn->query($insert_query); if(!$insert_query) { throw new Exception('Could not register you in database - Please try again later.'); } return true;}//This function checks a User's Details Against the Databasefunction login($username, $password) { //check username and password with db //if yes, return true //else throw exception $conn = db_connect(); $check_query = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE username = '$username' AND passwd = sha1('$password')" ; $result = $conn->query($check_query); if(!result) { throw new Exception('Could not log you in'); } if($result->num_rows > 0) { return true; } else { throw new Exception('Could not log you in'); }}// This function Checks That the User Has a Valid Sessionfunction check_valid_user() { //see if somebody is logged in and notify them if not if( isset($_SESSION['valid_user']) ) { echo "Logged in as " .$_SESSION['valid_user'] .".
"; } else { // they are not logged in do_html_heading('Problem:'); echo 'You are not logged in .
'; do_html_URL('login.php', 'Login'); do_html_footer(); exit; }}//This function Updates a User Password in the DataBasefunction change_password($username, $old_password, $new_password) { // change password for username / old_password to new_password // if the old password is right // change their password to new_password and return true // else throw an exception login($username, $old_password); $conn = db_connect(); $update_query = "UPDATE user SET passwd = sha1('$new_password') WHERE username = '$username'"; $result = $conn->query($update_query); if( !$result ) { throw new Exception('Password could not be changed'); } else { return true; }}function get_random_word($min_length, $max_length)// grab a random word from dictionary between the two lengths// and return it{ // generate a random word $word = ''; // remember to change this path to suit your system $dictionary = '\usr\dict\words'; // the ispell dictionary $fp = @fopen($dictionary, 'r'); if(!$fp) return false; $size = filesize($dictionary); // go to a random location in dictionary srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000); $rand_location = rand(0, $size); fseek($fp, $rand_location); // get the next whole word of the right length in the file while (strlen($word)< $min_length || strlen($word)>$max_length || strstr($word, "'")) { if (feof($fp)) fseek($fp, 0); // if at end, go to start $word = fgets($fp, 80); // skip first word as it could be partial $word = fgets($fp, 80); // the potential password }; $word=trim($word); // trim the trailing \n from fgets return $word;}//This function Resets a User's Password to a Random Value and Emails Her the New Onefunction reset_password($username)// set password for username to a random value// return the new password or false on failure{ // get a random dictionary word b/w 6 and 13 chars in length $new_password = get_random_word(6, 13); if($new_password==false) throw new Exception('Could not generate new password.'); // add a number between 0 and 999 to it // to make it a slightly better password srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000); $rand_number = rand(0, 999); $new_password .= $rand_number; // set user's password to this in database or return false $conn = db_connect(); $result = $conn->query( "update user set passwd = sha1('$new_password') where username = '$username'"); if (!$result) throw new Exception('Could not change password.'); // not changed else return $new_password; // changed successfully}
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